We aim to respond to all messages received within 7 working days. If you need to get in touch urgently, just send us a text us to +44 (0)7786 868929 and we’ll be in touch.
We aim to respond to all messages received within 7 working days. If you need to get in touch urgently, just send us a text us to +44 (0)7786 868929 and we’ll be in touch.
If you need to get in touch with our head office team or appeals office, please write to us.
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Any medical information referred to in or through our website is given as information only and is not intended:
• as medical diagnosis or treatment
• to replace consultation with a qualified medical practitioner
• to advocate or recommend the purchase of any product or to endorse or guarantee the credentials or appropriateness of any health care provider
We strongly suggest you consult a healthcare professional for specific advice about your situation.
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